EU Climate Legislation becomes increasingly important and the topic does not stop at the EU-borders. Why is it so relevant to all of us?

Importance of EU Climate Legislation 

The topic of climate change touches all of us. This is why a new set of rules with defined screening criteria has recently been published – the so-called Taxonomy Regulation. This document is already available to the EU member states. But due to different positions between the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Transport, and Economic Affairs, Germany has not been able to take a position on this paper so far. In particular, Commission proposals on the combustion engine and electricity generation remained uncommented. This stance is surprising since Germany has already planned a phase-out of coal and nuclear power, particularly in the field of electricity generation.

Germany and EU Climate Legislation 

Germany’s passive position has been negatively perceived in the European Parliament, and German Members of the Parliament are also denouncing this behavior. These have called on the Chancellery Ministers to show a stronger commitment. This criticism from the own ranks seems to have been successful, and missing comments are to be provided soon.